Magnesium Chloride, Dieatаry Supplement, 500 G
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Magnesium chloride reduces fatigue and tiredness, supports electrolyte balance, normalizes metabolism and energy production. 

Package Quantity: 500 g

Origin: Poland

Ingredients: Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (pharmacopoeia quality)


- Food supplement - drinking crystals
- High purity product
- An excellent source of magnesium

Magnesium chloride is a natural form of magnesium that is present in the seas and oceans. When dissolved in water, magnesium chloride takes an ionic form - an excellent, easily digestible source of magnesium in the human body.

High purity magnesium chloride (eg pharmacopoeial quality) is an excellent source of magnesium for the human body and can be used for:

- oral supplementation (dissolved in water);
- adding to bathing / soaking water in a bathtub or other container;
- transdermal - home-made magnesium oil.

Magnesium chloride is a cofactor in over 300 enzyme systems in the human body and contributes to:

- reduction of fatigue and exhaustion;
- electrolyte balance;
- normal metabolism and energy production;
- the functioning of the nervous system;
- normal protein synthesis;
- normal psychological function;
- the formation of bone tissue;
- maintaining healthy teeth;
- the process of cell division;
- control of blood sugar levels.

Why use Magnesium Chloride as a dietary supplement?

Contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological function
Even mild magnesium deficiency can cause increased sensitivity to sound, nervousness, irritability, mental depression, confusion, tremors, tremors, anxiety and insomnia. Magnesium is often the best solution for depression, sleep problems, emotional disorders and neurological diseases, because it has a strong calming and nourishing effect on the nervous system.

Experts confirm positive results from magnesium supplementation in children with ADHD.

For normal muscle function and contraction, including the heart muscle
Over a third of the magnesium in the human body is found in the muscles. Magnesium regulates muscle contraction. Studies show that magnesium deficiency leads to cramps and muscle pain.

Low magnesium levels have also been linked to cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure.

Contributes to the normal synthesis of proteins
Magnesium is needed for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, proteins and glutathione.


Bone formation
Magnesium is involved in the process of bone formation and affects the action of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. It also affects the concentration of parathyroid hormone and the active form of vitamin D, which are major regulators of bone homeostasis. It is necessary for the absorption, transport and metabolism of calcium. Studies show that magnesium intake improves bone density. Low magnesium levels and low magnesium-calcium ratios are associated with an increased risk of developing periodontitis and deteriorating dental condition.


Magnesium has a role in cell division
Low magnesium levels are associated with increased oxidative stress and decreased cell proliferation. In the long-term incubation of human fibroblasts in conditions of magnesium deficiency, they show characteristics of much older cells.


Magnesium and Type 2 Diabetes
Magnesium deficiency is common in patients with type 2 diabetes. Magnesium is involved in many enzyme systems responsible for glucose homeostasis. It affects the secretion of insulin and the absorption of glucose by cells. Magnesium deficiency inhibits the acute phase of insulin secretion in the event of a glucose challenge. Magnesium deficiency has been associated with insulin resistance, and magnesium supplementation has been associated with reduced insulin requirements and improved glucose removal in patients with diabetes. Magnesium chloride improves the ability of beta cells to compensate for changes in insulin sensitivity.


Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (pharmacopoeial quality).

Content in the daily dose:

For adults: 250 mg
For children: 125 mg

How to use:

For adults and children over 14 years: 1 measuring spoon per day.
For children over 6 years: 1/2 measuring spoon per day
Take dissolved in water or other liquid.

Additional instructions for use:

For drinking (oral):
For a pleasant taste and even intake, dissolve the daily dose in a bottle of water or juice. You can dissolve 10 daily doses in 1 liter of water and take 100 ml. daily from the concentrate thus obtained, added to 400 ml. water or juice.

Transdermal intake (through the skin):

- Magnesium oil
Dissolve 1 cup of magnesium chloride in 1 cup of warm water. Stir with a non-metallic utensil. Apply 1-2 times a day on the whole body. Store in a non-metallic container (nebulizer). The first application may cause a tingling and itching sensation. If necessary, dilute further with water.

Can be used as a deodorant. It is possible to temporarily intensify the unpleasant odor while unclogging and 

purify the sweat glands.

- Bath salts
add 1-2 cups of magnesium chloride to the bath.

- Foot bath
Add 1-2 tablespoons of magnesium chloride to the water.

Useful units:

1 equal teaspoon Magnesium chloride = 2500 mg - contains 300 mg of magnesium

1 equal tablespoon Magnesium chloride = 7500 mg - contains 900 mg of magnesium

Magnesium chloride is hygroscopic (absorbs moisture from the environment). Store in a tightly closed container. When closing, remove the air from the package. The appearance of lumps does not indicate poor quality, the product does not contain anti-caking additives. If there are lumps, crush them by mashing.

Food supplement! Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! Do not use as a substitute for a varied diet! Keep out of reach of small children! Store in a dry place, in a tightly closed container!

Packaging: 500 gr.

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